Are you contemplating getting a tattoo? It’s important to remember that such a decision is significant as it involves permanently marking your body. Therefore, it’s critical to thoroughly research beforehand. Having the right inspiration for your tattoo and finding an excellent tattoo artist who comprehends your vision is also essential.
Not all people are fortunate enough to get inked by a top-notch or even a so-so tattoo artist. This certainly rings true for these individuals who likely sought to acquire a respectable tattoo, but painfully ended up featuring on the list of disastrous tattoo attempts. So, let’s dive into these comically regrettable tattoo blunders that are guaranteed to make you wince.
We Have a Celebrity Favorite When It Comes To Tattoos
We’re not passing judgement on your selected celebrity or tattoo design. However, it might have been better to opt for a more skilled tattoo artist to ensure that Marilyn Monroe, the acclaimed icon of her era, wouldn’t have turned out this way on your skin. Just take a glance at the side by side comparisons.

Let’s reiterate: pulling off portraits is challenging, hence the need for a professional touch. Otherwise, you might end up with tattoos resembling the one here, which gives off a falsified impression of Marilyn Monroe. All aspects including the eyes, the mouth, and the hair are completely inaccurate. It’s hard to understand why someone would settle for such.
That’s No Darth Vader
Characters from Star Wars are frequently chosen for tattoos. Many individuals choose to get them, particularly those featuring light sabers. Another popular design is Darth Vader, although not all tattoo artists manage to accurately depict him. The provided example below showcases how inaccurate depictions can be disconcerting, especially to avid Star Wars enthusiasts.

This appears more akin to a shapeless mass wielding a stick than an illustration of Darth Vader. It’s amusing to observe, given the artist’s earnest attempt to replicate the original character, but unfortunately, the attempt seems unsuccessful. This certainly suggests the handiwork of a novice.
Is That a Gorilla or a Human Head?
Individuals often intentionally get humorous tattoos due to their unique taste in humor. However, these same individuals may later regret this decision and attempt to remove these tattoos. In this particular case, the tattoo, which is located at the bottom of the individual’s head, will most likely be concealed by the person’s hair.

He inked a gorilla on his head as part of a prank. Today, it seems as though there’s a genuine gorilla on the reverse side of his skull. Credit is due to the tattooist for their excellent work, despite the final result being embarrassing. Our hope is for his hair to regrow quickly, hiding this grotesque sight from the world.
The Real Spider Man
We’ve all come across tattoos influenced by animals and insects adorning human bodies, but this is the first time we’re seeing such a large one, especially on a person’s face. This man’s affinity for spiders is visibly evident. It’s emblazoned all over his face. If you’re terrified of spiders, it might be best to avert your eyes. This enormous spider tattoo is undeniably eerie.

We acknowledge the excitement that comes with inking your beloved animal on your body, but we never imagined someone would go this far. It’s safe to say that this man is undoubtedly the real-life Spiderman, having both the appearance and characteristics to back up such a claim. Don’t we all concur?
Another Tattoo Lost in Translation
You’ll find numerous individuals sporting tattoos in foreign languages, particularly those that use symbols instead of letters. If you inquire about the meanings, the majority of these people are unaware. However, if someone who speaks the language natively were to read them, they’d undoubtedly be chuckling for some time.

There’s no doubt that this individual did not desire their tattoo to translate to “Turkey Sandwich.” They likely got it under the impression that it represented something special and trendy. Yet, its actual translation turned out to be nothing more than a simple turkey sandwich. So, if you’re someone with an extreme love for turkey sandwiches, this might just be the perfect tattoo for you.
Fr..ankenstein Mercury?
It’s undeniable that Freddy Mercury is still widely revered in the music world, making him an idol to many. His broad fan base still cherishes him to this day. Understandably, some fans express their admiration by getting tattoos of his likeness. But let’s delve into the history of portrait tattoos. Are they successful?

Based on our prior encounters, portraits tend to miss the mark. This case only strengthens our viewpoint. The depiction resembles Frankenstein more than it mirrors Freddie Mercury. The artist seems to have turned the beloved figure into something rather terrifying, due to significant alterations in the features.
Leave Tattoo Portraits to the Professionals
Deciding to have your loved one’s likeness tattooed on your body is certainly a heartfelt act. However, for it to be done correctly, it’s vital to engage a professional experienced in creating portrait tattoos. If you entrust this delicate task to an amateur, you might end up with less than satisfactory results.

This person went in for a portrait of his girlfriend, but you can see how that turned out for them. It looks like an image from the move Insidious rather than showcasing his love and devotion to his girlfriend. Lesson learned: always go for experience tattoo artists, especially for portraits.
Skittlez, not Skittles
Here, we have a perfect example of spelling gone wrong. While there are many other issues with the tattoo here, but let’s just stick to the mistake of the tattoo artist rather than the choice of tattoo. We’ve all had these rainbow sweets when we were young. But I guess the tattoo artist didn’t.

Alternatively, he wouldn’t have made such an elementary mistake – misspelling Skittles. Upon reflection, perhaps it was deliberately done to create a particular effect by the individual. However, we prefer to critique the workmanship of the tattoo artist, instead of questioning the tattoo preference itself.
From a Baby to a Grown Man with the Help a Tattoo
Tattoo specialists ought to be aware that if they lack the expertise to craft portraits, they could potentially damage both sentimental memories and their client’s skin. This instance of a baby portrait tattoo gone awry is a perfect illustration. It’s indisputable, judging by the tattoo, that it’s considerably off.

The little one seems more like an elderly man in deep slumber, experiencing a delightful dream, rather than a tiny, cherubic, sleeping infant. It’s perplexing as to why tattoo artists would agree to such tasks and it leaves us guessing about the response of the parents.
Another Portrait Gone Terribly Wrong
It is now commonly understood that individuals enjoy having tattoos of their significant others. This is considered a gesture of affection, as they desire to keep the image of their loved one nearby at all times. This belief was precisely what motivated this individual to get a tattoo of their loved one’s face.

This is truly endearing, but they ought to realize how disastrously portraits can turn out when they become tattoos. The girlfriend represented on his skin now sports unusual spaces in her teeth, wrinkles, and a slew of additional features that altogether make it cease to resemble her entirely. It makes us curious to know if the girlfriend found humor after witnessing this.
A True Animal Print Tattoo
Individuals appreciate having tattoos of animal prints on their bodies. They’re commonly petite, yet they appear quite appealing. Tattoos such as leopard spots or zebra stripes are popular examples of animal print tattoos. However, we believe this particular one outshines them all. Just take a glance at it.

A person has had their whole leg inked with a snake print design. The tattoo is unquestionably marvelous, with a degree of precision and authenticity that is hard to deny. It’s the magnitude of the tattoo that caught us by surprise, as it makes her entire leg resemble an enormous serpent. The numerous scales are truly unsettling.
What’s This? An Armpit Onion?
We’re slightly perplexed about the possible meaning of this tattoo, but we’ll attempt to decipher it. The lady appears to suggest that armpits can develop an odor resembling that of decaying onions. We are optimistic that this may allude to Shrek, where it is said that ogres, like onions, have various layers.

The location of the onion tattoo is intriguing and puzzling. We’re curious to know more about it. It might symbolize how armpits often have a strong odor, and onions could accurately represent that. However, this interpretation isn’t certain.
There’s a New Prome Queen in Town
You’re likely familiar with the concept of a prom queen, typically a high school girl who earns this recognition at her prom. However, this particular girl has been given a fresh spin on the title, receiving the moniker “Prome Queen.” This distinctive name immediately brings to mind characters from Game of Thrones or similar fantasy series.

The title of this prom queen was regrettably misspelled, but we are hopeful that this issue is resolvable. Eradicating the superfluous “e” should not pose a great challenge to a skilled tattoo artist. We cross our fingers that she’s capable of correcting this oversight and embodying her authentic prom queen status, at least for her own satisfaction.
A Spelling Lesson is Crucial for this One
Having profound quotes inked on one’s arm is a prevalent trend amongst many individuals. A multitude of people bear broad vocabularies etched on their skin, which invariably enhances their appearance. However, meticulous attention to detail is critical when it comes to perfecting your tattoo. Negligible care could lead to unanticipated outcomes like this.

Having faith in “oneself” is crucial and one must never let go of “hope”. Regrettably, the artist who inked this motivational quote did a poor job. The glaring spelling errors are impossible to overlook with not just one, but two glaring mistakes. This individual clearly needs to polish their spelling skills before venturing into the tattooing profession.
Get Abs in a Day
The desire to look good drives everyone to aspire to be fit, and part of this involves building a well-toned torso, abs, and chest. If you’re searching for an unconventional alternative to achieve defined abs, consider the following unique solution – getting a tattoo.

That’s this guy’s belief, anyway. He had a tattoo inked on him that represents the ideal physique he’s always dreamed about. The shading details are remarkable, reflecting significant effort. However, does it project an authentic appearance? Absolutely not. The simulated rippling abs and defined muscles are simply leaving us feeling uncomfortable.
We Really Need an Autocorrect for Tattoos
Minor mistakes in your tattoos might go unnoticed if the tattoo is quite small. However, if it covers a substantial area like your entire forearm, such errors become glaringly noticeable. Take this one for example. With a tattoo of such an extensive size, there’s absolutely no allowance for grammar mistakes.

Surprisingly, there is a huge grammatical error present. Ideally, autocorrect should be there to handle these problems because they are becoming uncontrollable. Instead of saying ‘It’s get better?’, it should correctly be ‘It gets better’. Now, the individual must either rectify this mistake themselves or seek a solution to fix it.
Living Life With No Regrets
A widely popular phrase people often choose to get inked with is “No Regrets”. However, despite its popularity, it’s a phrase many tattoo artists frequently misspell. This serves as a perfect representation of the spelling mistakes that tattoo artists often commit with such phrases.

The tattooed text reads “No Regerts”, a mistake that likely took the individual some time to realize. The lack of anticipation of such a mistake could be the reason. This one ranks high on the list of tattoo fails, another being “No Ragrets” permanently etched on one’s skin. Are these deliberate acts or truly unintended errors?
M&M, Eminem, or Both?
Getting a unique tattoo is difficult as there are so many variations of tattoos out there. So, people are left with their imaginations to create something truly different and unique. Here’s one that we’ve never seen before and it includes a celebrity artist, Eminem. His name is similar to something, M&Ms.

Someone thought it would be funny to have a blue M&M with the features of Eminem inked on their skin. This is true creativity, but is it really necessary? We understand you want to be different, but let’s not get too crazy. On the other hand, the portrait of Eminem is quite good, isn’t it?
Turtle Head Is The New Fashion Statement
Individuals, often carried away by passion, crop their hair off to express a certain point. It does look hip, yet what’s even more enhanced? Having a turtle etched on your shaved scalp. We’re merely being humorous, we don’t desire for you to replicate this individual’s blunder. He genuinely had a turtle inked on his head.

Having a tattoo done on his scalp must have been an excruciating experience, but he endured it for the love of the turtle. The creature appears to be gazing deep into our beings, which can be quite unsettling if you look at it for an extended period. A word of caution: refrain from getting animal tattoos on your bare scalp.
This Wolf Isn’t Scary at All
When the term “wolf” comes to mind, it’s common to picture an agile, predatory creature, poised to strike its prey. You might also associate it with menacing fictional werewolves. Yet, upon examining this tattoo, you will find it amusing how absurdly frightened this depicted wolf appears.

Instead of invoking fear in you, this wolf tattoo appears incredibly frightened itself. The wolf, in its act of howling at the moon, exhibits a high level of fear. It almost brings a comedic value when observed. While the far-off depiction of its howling might seem intimidating, the oversized wolf’s head is possibly the most amusing thing you could come across.
Font Size and Design is Important
We weren’t aware of the significant impact of tattoo font size until we witnessed it firsthand. It’s apparent that this is an issue many individuals struggle with. They mistakenly believe that having their tattoos in various font sizes and designs is trendy, only to discover that they are hard to read and not aesthetically pleasing.

The lady in question decided to have her tattoo shaped like an anchor, which was where things started going awry. The design is so obscure, you can’t even recognize it as an anchor anymore. It appears more like a jumble of words inexplicably strewn across her arm rather than a design. So much for originality.
Bon Jovi Quotes For The Win
Jon Bon Jovi is a distinguished musician of his era, known for numerous hit songs that continue to be popular today. There’s a high chance that at some point in your life you’ve heard his music. Consequently, many fans show their admiration by having his song lyrics permanently inked on their bodies.

Taking the action is harmless but ensure you’ve done it correctly. This individual has the phrase “It’s My Life” inked on their body. Can you identify the issue? Just a hint, it’s a grammatical mistake that could be easily overlooked. The word “is” is repeated twice.
Is This the Boogie Man or T-Rex?
When we were young, our imaginations often dreamt up terrifying creatures that lurked under the bed, many of which would bear a similarity to this tattoo. But do you recognize what this tattoo actually symbolizes? It’s an artistic representation of an animal long gone from this world, the T-Rex dinosaur. Can you spot the likeness?

We may not have encountered a T-Rex in person, but we can certainly form a visual image of them through their skeletal remains, not to mention movies like Jurassic Park. Does this look even vaguely alike? The size ratios are entirely incorrect, making it appear more as a frightening chicken than a T-Rex.
Can You Guess the Hollywood Celebrity Through this Tattoo?
There’s no denying our infatuation with Hollywood stars, with some people even taking their admiration to the point of obsession. Consider this case where someone decided to imprint a Hollywood icon permanently on their skin. Do you reckon you can specify which celebrity this resembles? If you scrutinize closely, you might just be able to identify them.

You’ll discover that this individual has inked an image of the dearly admired icon, Marilyn Monroe, on their arm. However, the tricky part is that you’ll need to squint a bit to see the resemblance, but once seen, it’s unmistakable. This is yet another case of a tattoo portrait that didn’t quite hit the mark.
Are We Looking at A Yankees Logo?
Individuals often display a high level of enthusiasm towards sports, indulging in activities like building up collections of various items and even getting their beloved sports team’s insignia inked on their bodies. Thus, having a tattoo of your preferred team’s emblem is not something negative. However, the problem arises when the result of your tattoo appears as this.

We can’t precisely pinpoint what this resembles. We took a wild guess and related it to the logo of the Yankees. Instead of the logo, however, it appears to mirror a mythical being from a bygone era. However, upon closer examination, you can see a likeness to the logo. Achieving precise line work is crucial in tattooing, which is evident in this example.
Never Overlook The Placement of Your Tattoo
It is essential not to disregard where your tattoo should be placed. It is crucial to give significant consideration to this aspect, or you may end up with an oddly positioned tattoo, much like the one illustrated below.

The bride exhibits a tattoo labeled “Regret” on her wrist. The visibility of this tattoo in wedding photos can certainly dampen the mood. It has the unfortunate effect of souring such a charming and emotional moment with its connotation. This sight would unquestionably provoke curiosity in people about her genuine happiness. Indeed, it’s a disheartening thought.
Another Case of Bad Spelling
We’ve witnessed numerous instances of poor spelling from tattoo artists, which is indeed a problem. However, we believe this instance is an exception. The individual receiving the tattoo deliberately omitted the last ‘s’ in ‘fearless’, choosing to incorporate a heart symbol, likely to add a flair of sassiness.

Tattoos appear really unattractive when they contain spelling errors. It’s difficult to ascertain if the artist or the individual who received the tattoo is to blame. Nevertheless, a closer look reveals clues – the attire and the pink nails are quite telling. The heart image was pivotal, perhaps even more so than the letter s.
She Won’t Have Trouble Telling People She’s Vegan
Nowadays, many individuals are adopting specific lifestyles and nutritional patterns. A diet trend that has gained significant popularity is veganism. Identifying if a person is following a vegan diet can be challenging unless they declare it themselves. But, do know who we don’t need to concern ourselves with?

The lady in question has tattooed her face, proudly broadcasting her vegan lifestyle to everyone she encounters. It’s a bold step to make such an impressive commitment, signifying a potential lifelong dedication. Her facial tattoo serves as a perpetual badge of identity, ensuring that wherever she goes, she is instantly recognizable as a woman who has publicly pledged to be vegan.
Prime Example Of Tattoo Failure
When deciding to get a tattoo, you have to consider the message, design, and its location on your body. Making that choice is not a straightforward task as you have to make sure the appropriate text or image is etched on the correct body part. However, this individual didn’t value originality or any sort of preparation.

She immediately debuted with “Finaly Famous” inscribed on her décolletage. The error in the spelling was not intentional on her part, rather it was a noticeable mistake by the tattoo artist. This tattoo error, hard to overlook, ironically made her instantly famous.
7 Rings or a Japanese Style Barbecue Grill?
It’s reasonable when an ordinary individual ends up with a regrettable, poor-quality tattoo, as they may not have the resources to hire a pro. Nevertheless, it is considerably more awkward when a star gets a tattoo fail. An example of this is Ariana Grande. Chances are you have heard her track, ‘7 Rings’. It’s certainly a tune that stands out.

In light of the popularity of her song, Grande was keen to commemorate the achievement of 7 Rings in a significant manner. This inspired her to get a palm tattoo intending to represent 7 Rings in Japanese. Nevertheless, the tattoo ended up representing a Japanese style barbecue grill instead of the intended words.
Ex-Girlfriend’s Selfie Is The Perfect Tattoo On Your Arm
We comprehend that demonstrating affection for your girlfriend can be executed in a variety of manners. A lot of individuals opt for getting their partner’s name, the date they started their relationship, or other important details inked on their body. However, only a handful of couples decide to get their entire faces tattooed. Guess who didn’t thoroughly consider this?

This individual thought it would be a good idea to have a tattoo of his girlfriend’s selfie on his arm. However, as the future of any relationship is uncertain, it’s better not to engrave permanent memories of a potential ex-partner. Nonetheless, for this man, he’s going to see his ex’s smirking face from the selfie tattoo every time he does something.
The Tattoo Speaks For Itself – “Nobodies Perfect”
The common adage “Nobody’s Perfect” is often quoted by many, and in this case, we’re curious to find out who’s responsible for the erroneous spelling in this tattoo. It’s humorously ironic to consider that this tattoo, located on her chest, quite accurately depicts its own message.

We hope it’s a typographical error, but who made it? Was “Nobodies” intentionally written, or was she genuinely ignorant of the correct spelling? We genuinely hope that it has been brought to her attention by now, and she has at least learned the right spelling.
You’d Want to Avoid this Compass Rose
What’s the first thing you turn to when you’re feeling disoriented? You might think of Google Maps, but that’s not what we’re discussing here. A compass was designed to assist you in finding your direction. However, looking at the compass rose depicted in this tattoo might end up leaving you feeling more bewildered.

We typically learn the fundamentals of a compass quite early in life. However, it appears that this tattoo artist didn’t quite grasp them, as the directional indicators are all mixed up, with the exception of North. So, if you’re feeling unsure about your basic knowledge, a glance at this could surely uplift your spirits.
A Distorted Tiger is Quite a Tattoo
We’ve noticed that animal tattoos have definitely become a popular choice among people. However, it’s important that these tattoos are carried out by experienced professionals who are skilled in creating 3D tattoos. If not, you might end up with a tattoo that resembles this. The more we examine it, the more perplexing it gets.

Would you consider this to resemble a tiger? Granted, it is indeed an extremely skewed representation. It reminds me of a drawing that a kid might make, certainly not the work of a seasoned tattoo artist. Everything, from the features to the positioning, is genuinely dreadful. One can only hope that the artist was given a comparable sample image to make this far less revolting.
There’s a New Stitch in Town
Disney films have captured the hearts of many, with numerous individuals choosing to ink their preferred characters onto their bodies. Ariel from The Little Mermaid is a familiar sight. Another beloved character has been recreated in a version we’re not typically accustomed to.

This is a rendition of Stitch from the renowned animated series ‘Lilo and Stitch.’ You may argue that it looks somewhat distinctive compared to its TV counterpart, and you wouldn’t be off base. This tattoo interpretation does deviate considerably from the traditional depiction of Stitch. We can only wish the accompanying text doesn’t contain any inaccuracies too.
Look Closely, Don’t Miss the Real Tattoo
Numerous individuals around the globe take pleasure in adorning themselves with multiple tattoos. Just as described, folks have ink on various parts of their bodies, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It simply displays their affection for tattoos. Nonetheless, there are certain actions that one should never engage in, which is apparent in what this individual has done.

It’s easy to overlook, presuming it’s about his body ink. However, we’re discussing the spectacles permanently etched onto his face. They’ve suddenly become hard to ignore, haven’t they? This man assumed that tattooing glasses on his face would spare him from wearing actual ones. Someone needs to fill him in on the reality.
Trolls and Their Whacky Hair
Trolls are miniature dolls recognized for their distinctive characteristic of having their hair point upwards. This distinctive feature even inspired a Smurfs movie. It is clear that these charming little dolls genuinely influenced this man.

He has a spot of hair that is identical to the hair on these toys. What could be more appropriate than to have a troll etched in ink underneath it? The tattoo is remarkably precise with respect to the specifics, however, it’s equally awkward and eerie if you closely examine it. We wouldn’t recommend anyone do the same.
Pikachu, Is That You?
Pikachu holds a significant place in the hearts of Pokémon fans, hence it’s not unusual to spot people sporting tattoos of this character. The challenge is in precisely tattooing it to highlight its inherent adorable nature. However, the depicted example significantly deviates from the actual portrayal of Pikachu.

It appears that Pikachu is experiencing a challenging time and requires reuniting with Ash to set things right. Pikachu’s facial expressions are quite distressing. We sincerely hope to see no more alarming tattoos, as they are tainting our perception of Pikachu.
So, You Ultimately Give Up?
Repeatedly, it’s seen that intelligent phrases are popular choices for tattoos. However, things take a different turn when the profound saying you intended to project is disrupted and communicates a completely contrasting message. This is precisely the case with this particular tattoo. The individual intended to proudly display the phrase “Never Give Up” on their biceps, but unfortunately, things didn’t quite turn out as planned.

The phrase “Never don’t give up” was supposed to motivate, but because two negatives result in a positive, the actual meaning turned into suggesting that one should give up, which is hilariously contradictory to the intended message. This sure gave us a hearty laugh.
Let’s Just Say That Translators Are Essential for Tattoos
It’s common to witness individuals sporting tattoos in various languages; oftentimes, they don’t even apprehend the meaning. Nevertheless, the context shifts when that message is translated into a language that’s native to them. On this occasion, a social media influencer expressed a desire to have a tattoo inscribed with the words, “Only God can judge my mistakes and truths.”

So, would you like to know what occurred subsequently? It turns out that her tattoo artist interpreted her request differently, resulting in the inscription on her body reading, “I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs.” It’s astonishing to witness how the meaning of the intended tattoo was utterly transformed by the artist.