50 Most Unattractive Wedding Gowns You’ve Ever Witnessed

A young girl’s wedding dream oftentimes portrays her as a royal figure, crossing an aisle under the watchful gaze of all, while her soon-to-be husband sees her for the first time in a mesmerizing wedding gown. That is the ideal scenario. However, the actuality is that some brides posses very eccentric preferences. This list presents the fifty most aesthetically unsatisfying wedding dresses ever. If your future bride turns up in one of these, a swift turnaround and rapid retreat might be the best course of action.

Mermaid Missing Top

Are we submerged in the ocean depths, or are we yet on terra firma? Her skirt mimics a mermaid’s fin, and coupled with a bare-minimum top adorned with intricate lace and pearls, this bride seems to be hinting her covert mermaid persona. As she audaciously strides down the aisle, it seems as if a significant part of her dress’s upper half has vanished. The ornate pearls and lace make observers hold their breath in anticipation of an unwelcome revelation if she spins too briskly. Only a remarkably svelte model could rock this look, unless of course, she’s indeed a mermaid.

Busting Out And Not Family Friendly

Shield your gaze, granny, this wedding isn’t suitable for all audiences. There’s one thing about drawing in a partner with a prominently large trait, but flaunting it for all is a different matter entirely. The dress seems modest and pleasant on its own, but it would have been more refined for this bride to choose one with a tad more material above the waist. Straps could have added a modest touch, even though she clearly does not require any extra lift. The exaggeratedly snug waist only amplifies the issue further.

Taking The Plunge Or Cake Toppers

The only thing missing for this pair is a cake to stand atop. Alternatively, they might be prepared to dive headfirst into their new life together, quite literally. The groom seems to be in a fitting wet suit or is fully painted from tip to toe. The bride seems to dress almost the same, with a tight, white, curvaceous mermaid-like wet suit, or she might be covered in body paint except for the skirt resembling diving fins. She decided to completely forego any headgear, though if she reconsiders, a scuba mask or a swimming cap would match her outfit perfectly.

Beach Ready Wedding

If he were honest, he might have actually fantasized about getting married on the beach. However, it’s doubtful he envisioned his bride arriving like this. We can only wish this is actually an image from the stag party. The bride’s outfit is a rather revealing white bikini paired with a garter. To give her credit, it is tastefully embellished with white and gold flowers that discreetly cover her private areas. Indeed, there isn’t much material to this beach-appropriate wedding attire, but at least she’s got footwear. Plus, she’s managed to get her soon-to-be husband to hold her bouquet already.

Wait For The Honeymoon

Wasn’t it the responsibility of her maid of honor to ensure the bride remembered all parts of her dress? It seems like this bride might be a bit too giddy to embark on her honeymoon. Alternatively, this could be the undergarment intended to be worn beneath the actual dress. The skirt appears to be complete. And the veil, being traditional, covers approximately as much as the rest of the attire. From chest to waist, the clothing barely covers anything, leaving plenty to the viewer’s speculation. The transparent fabric only encourages the wandering mind and could potentially entice the groom to depart from the reception ahead of time.

Busting Out All Over

Sure! Maybe she has something to boast about, but it’d be better if she kept it a secret until the honeymoon. A wedding venue full of guests shouldn’t be exposed to such sight. This could inevitably spark rumors about whether she might have had some cosmetic enhancements or if she’s naturally endowed. Unfortunately, the festive banquet has been called off because the bride has channelled the funds into accentuating a part of her body that’s meant only for the groom’s eyes. Let’s just hope she applied some robust adhesive to key areas of her dress to prevent further exposure.

Excess Tissue Paper Found In The Trash

The bride’s outfit seems as though she’s filtered through refuse or creatively used an overabundance of tissue paper. She seems enrobed in a crumpled bit of tissue or a used serviette, with her footwear resembling mere cloth strips. Her head gives off the impression of being entrapped in an apiarist’s headgear or an inexpensive, large shower cap. Her cosmetics give her the look of an animated corpse. Wait, what is that anomaly on her upper right arm? It appears to be a pale serpent preparing to strike.

Whoa Baby!

On this bride’s significant day, she seems intent on making a large revelation abundantly clear to all present. She undoubtedly hopes this conspicuous, expanding pregnancy bump will be the only hiccup on the way to their nuptial celebration. Likely, there are more gentle ways to incorporate your future child into your wedding ceremony. The upper part of her outfit also exposes quite a bit, and it doesn’t appear overly secure. The cut in her skirt is designed to display even more as she commences her walk down the aisle. One misstep, and she may reveal more than just an expectant mother’s rounded abdomen.

Ready For Bed

Goodnight! The pair seem all set to hit the hay. It’s as though they’ve just awoken, all adorned in their nightwear. Perhaps he’s donned the top half of the pajama set while she’s improvised a dress out of the bottom half, albeit not very successfully. It appears to be assembled haphazardly, featuring a strategically placed cutout that beautifully showcases her belly button ring. And let’s not forget to mention the oversized white bow tie and the hood. Was the hood meant to act as the bridal veil that got totally disarrayed? Or is he attempting a Grumpy Bear from Care Bears impersonation?

Gravity Falls

Gravity is what keeps us rooted, but it isn’t always on our side. A picture that ought to have encapsulated tenderness, romance, and intimacy ended up getting taken from an unfavorable angle. The strapless wedding dress may have worked wonders had the bride chosen a different style. Perhaps, if she had decided to button up the transparent, lacy coat, it might have added a bit of mystery. Neither of them seems completely at ease, sitting in the parched, lifeless grass. Despite the situation, the groom is making a determined effort to keep his gaze fixed upon her eyes, avoiding the temptation to let it drift downward.

Bubble Queen

It appears as though an excess of bubble bath has been used in the Jacuzzi, causing an overflow. Alternatively, she may have been positioned on a parade float. Regardless, it can’t be denied that she certainly made a thorough impression on her wedding day, seemingly lost amidst the puffy layers of her skirt and veil. The outfit commences promisingly with an intricately laced gauntlet and upper arm design. However, on closer inspection, it seems as if the bride is submerged in a tub brimming with bubbles. But the eccentricities don’t end here; it seems as if she’s been designated the monarch of froth, adorning a glimmering headpiece that bifurcates a veil just as voluminous as the gown’s skirt.

Full Of Hot Air

Is this a complex work of art, or is she on the brink of going flat? Be careful if you’re carrying anything sharp near her. You might puncture and ruin her entire wedding dress, complete with a balloon crown. Perhaps she encountered her future husband at a carnival where he sculpted her a balloon creature. Regardless of why she chose this attire made from precisely arranged balloons, supplemented by a soft colored rainbow of balloons mimicking the appearance of wings, it’s evident. She won’t venture to take a seat unless she’s ready to commemorate the occasion with a series of loud pops.

Head Hunter Bride

The groom needs to tread carefully, as it seems his bride has an affinity for hair – he should hope his is abundant and healthy. This unique, tailor-made dress features 250 meters of real human hair. Believe it or not, it’s all genuine hair that once crowned a human head. It remains a mystery why the hair comprises varying hues of red from light to deep crimson. It’s also puzzling as to why the hair color of the bride is identical to the reds in the gown. However, the one unambiguous element is that the dress is undoubtedly one-of-a-kind.

They Did It For The Tee-Shirt

Similar to participating in a marathon or going to a summer camp, the members of this wedding party seemed to be in it for the commemorative t-shirt. Every single person in the wedding party donned a white tee with a blue emblem indicating their respective roles in the special occasion. However, it’s a tad challenging to verify if the fabric of the bride’s wedding attire is that of a t-shirt. It seems like she simply chose to have the moniker of ‘wifey’ adorned onto the backside of her dress. The groom’s shirt, on the other hand, appears to feature a full-color picture surrounded by blue spirals. It seems she had no problem with the traditional element of having her “Something Blue” for the wedding day.

Bride On Diaper Duty

Are you opting for cloth or disposable? Normally, this question is meant for new mothers, not a bride deciding on her dress’s design. She might have given a thought to her bridesmaid’s age while selecting them. However, that’s not an issue. In lieu of picking bridesmaid dresses, she decided to don the unusual piece herself- a bridal dress entirely made of disposable diapers. It might be wise to consider using those on the diaper-less toddlers surrounding her next time. Without a doubt, this could be ranked as one of the most atrocious or, to put it mildly, most unconventional wedding dresses ever made.

Flaming Red Hot

This wedding is ablaze! She’s going to be a fiery vision on her wedding day, especially in her gown. When she makes her entrance down the aisle, waves of red and orange will billow from her train behind her. Perhaps these colours symbolize their burning passion, shown through the red and orange patterns on her gown’s train. Alternatively, it could be inspired by the flames adorning the groom’s race car, which captivated her to agree to wear this dress. However, let’s hope it doesn’t hint at their relationship heading for a metaphorical crash and burn.

When Bakers Marry

Planning a wedding involves a lot of expenses, and the dress and cake usually top the list. How about merging the two? It can certainly provide a unique conversation starter as guests select pastries from your outfit. This couple didn’t want to miss the cake cutting ceremony and hence, started early by adorning a dress made from 20 pounds of cream puffs. It also seems like they saved on the groom’s tuxedo rental. The groom fully dressed in chef’s attire is an appropriate touch to complement his bride’s delicious ensemble.

Flash From The Past

This satin and lace dress is a complete flash from the past, popular well throughout the 1990s. While, many brides of the time sought to wear poofed sleeves and gauntlets or gloves, this dress takes it to the limit. Maybe it’s the veil that really puts it over the top. How about choosing which poof you want to accent instead of going overboard to add every white accent in the craft store. To be completely honest with full disclosure, supermodel Cindy Crawford did not really wear this to her own personal wedding. It was the one she wore in the movie Labyrinth.

Late For The 76ers Game

This wedding has a playful, athletic vibe. The bride appears to be squeezing her wedding in amidst her sports commitments, and one can only hope she doesn’t miss kick-off. However, if she does, she could easily ditch the skirt and veil, change her heels to sports shoes, and be match-ready in no time. The dress doesn’t require any special fuss or tailoring, indeed, it could be the most convenient wedding gown ever worn. This dress concentrates purely on the sporty aspect. The skirt and veil give the impression of being craftily fashioned from window drapes, seemingly added as a whimsical after thought.

Not-So Camouflaged

What bride and groom? Do you see anything here? It may be full camouflage, but she’s far from hidden and never blends in with her surroundings anyway. Reality show star Mama June seen here with Sugar Bear from Here comes Honey Boo Boo, doesn’t like to be understated. That’s putting it mildly. There was no worry of going unnoticed at her wedding vows renewal in 2012 especially with the accent of hunter safety orange set against the camo-clad bridal party. One little belle did seem to stand out, though, in her pink and orange tulle dress. And, the silk flower-look colorful bridal bouquet also stood out. Though, the bride did wear a traditional veil.

God Bless America

The wedding promises will commence with “I pledge allegiance.” It raises the question of whether her matrimony certificate will mirror the US Constitution, complete with formal signatures comparable to her and her soon-to-be spouse’s unique “John Hancock.” Either she’s displaying a sense of national pride, being fully aware of her liberty as an American, or she’s demonstrating a level of patriotism matching the requirements of a citizenship exam. Regardless, she proudly incorporates elements of the national flag, including stars, stripes, and the colors red, white, and blue in her wedding attire. The reception might even feature a fireworks show, though not to commemorate her individual liberty.

Lollipops And Orange Swirls

Their wedding appears to be the realization of their dreams, but it gives off vibes reminiscent of scenes from Alice in Wonderland or Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory. Typically, the color orange is associated with safety gear, not with such a significant event like a wedding. However, they do manage to look appealing and will certainly spark their guests’ interest in the wedding cake. The bride’s extravagant, towering crown leaves no room for doubt that the groom views her as his queen. It seems orange holds a special place in their hearts. That said, wouldn’t it have been better if the groom had left his baseball cap aside for the ceremony?

Used Cupcake Liners

Can these be used as cupcake cases, wilting flower petals, or table decorations at the wedding celebration? Each of these items fulfills a role, but no one ever envisaged them becoming a complete bridal gown. The skirt appears as though someone gathered flattened cupcake wrappers and sewed them all together. At its finest, it seems as if the bride is positioned on a table, waiting for the reception party to start. Although one could romanticize the idea and suggest that the aim was to mimic flower petals, the concept has clearly been lost in implementation.

Snuggled Safely

What secret does this bride hold? She appears to be content, safely enveloped within her wedding dress that enshrouds her completely, revealing only her face. The gown gives the impression of a cocoon or a butterfly on the verge of emerging from its chrysalis. The design stems from 1965, taking inspiration from Russian Matryoshka dolls. As she paces down the aisle, perhaps her entire bridal party will gradually emerge from beneath her dress, each person a tad smaller than the last one, much like the nesting dolls principle.

Shower Cap Bride

This bride seems entrapped within a ceramic bathtub, with just her lower body liberated. Is she in the process of having her hair treated or preparing to go swimming? The most striking feature of this bridal outfit is starkly conspicuous. It appears as if she has donned a swim cap, to make matters worse, it’s equipped with a chin protector. A copious fluff flows out from her dress which one might imagine lends a lightweight feeling to her movements. However, she seems confined within a satin drape that has tightly enwrapped her upper body, specifically around the shoulders.

For the Catty Bride

This bride seems to be flaunting her quirky side with her selection of Hello Kitty themed gowns. The decision is unambiguous – royal pink or gentle baby blue? Each design is executed in a southern belle fashion, suggesting the use of white gloves and a large bonnet. Perhaps, these would suit better as bridesmaid or flower girl attires. But which bride would saddle her best friends with such an outfit? Undeniably, the bride would stand out as a vision of elegance and maturity amidst such attire. Maybe that’s the reason for choosing these dresses that merge pastel hues with a well-known feline character, Hello Kitty.

A Touch Of Tentacles

Beware! Is Ursula holding the voice and personifying the genuine mermaid bride? The unique discrepancy between this bridal gown and the Disney Villain’s outfit is its white color. Still, akin to the wicked sea sorceress, the appendages are present and the bride can manipulate them as she gracefully strides down the aisle to meet her prey, or rather her husband-to-be. His single hope is that she doesn’t intend to enchant him with a ceaseless charm to gain power over him. Yet, it might be the sole method for him to utter “I do” after witnessing his bride approaching him in this attire.

Pineapple Or Duck?

Is it a snow-colored pineapple or a duck adorned with soft down feathers? That’s for you to decide. Will this bridal outfit stir up appetites for the upcoming reception or send everyone scattering, quacking away in shock? Regardless, it’s likely not the sight most grooms would relish seeing as they prepare to take their marital vows. And, hey, are there pockets in that dress, or is it just extra cottony material puffed up for additional volume to this already chunky ensemble? On the positive side, at least its high-neck design lends it some modesty. But, picture the type of headgear that might complement this peculiar ensemble – somewhere between a tropical fruit and bird-inspired outfit that ends at knee-length.

Bermuda Boys

Does the dress include the groomsmen wearing Bermuda shorts? They might just be additional features, but wearing this dress seems to guarantee a team of devoted attendants trailing behind you. Even without these male adornments holding flowers, the dress would likely garner attention, especially due to its voluminous veil that gives the impression of the bride having been swept up in a tornado just before beginning her walk down the aisle. The remainder of the gown seems to be a patchwork of various designs, as though she randomly selected an assortment of styles from her wardrobe.


At times, distinguishing between self-assuredness and a striking appearance calling for recognition can be tricky. This bride likely holds the reins in her relationship, yet her attire portrays a cherubic hint with tulle wings adorning her shoulders and trailing behind her. This wedding dress is neither subdued nor understated. It conveys a powerful and daring message, compelling everyone to pause and focus their attention solely on the bride. It’s wise to heed this warning indicated by her dress and hat, signaling who’s the authority. Regardless, as she walks down the aisle, she’ll undoubtedly exude a formidable aura.


Hip, hip, hooray! You can make it happen! Let’s get behind team wedding! Is she the betrothed or is she simply rallying the crowd with some spirited encouragement? Perhaps she’s feeling a tad uncertain about the matrimony and could use an extra dose of reassurance. All that’s missing from her ensemble are the flashing pom poms; she’s dressed as if it’s the ultimate match day. It’s hard to tell which part of her attire grabs the spotlight – the playful, abbreviated and voluminous skirt, the attention-demanding top with pastel pink glimpses, or the heavy load of jewellery and make-up that appears to be assembled for a drastically different dress. A mere necklace of pearls or diamonds could have transformed even this spirited look into a resplendent bride-to-be.


It seems like someone just got toilet-papered. In times of a pandemic, when there’s a scarcity of toilet paper, a dress like this could be deemed a luxury. On the other hand, numerous brides might see it as more suited to be worn on their honeymoon, assuming they’d entertain the idea of wearing it at all. It seems as though she’s ensnared in a never-ending roll of tissue or kitchen paper, intricately swirled about to merely cover the most private areas. Even the veil gives the impression of a downpour of white, as if her entire front yard was covered in toilet paper. Well, at least she doesn’t have to worry about any negative vibes overshadowing her special day.

And All That Jazz

This year, the Magnolias appear to bloom a bit earlier than usual, and these oversized blossoms have found their way into one of the revealing wedding dresses ever witnessed. Maybe she’s trying to channel the glamour of the Ritz, or she’s mistaken the jazz singer competition for her wedding. This dress, which appears to be a single giant white flower enhanced by a collar and hat, could certainly benefit from the addition of a skirt. It seems the flower grows larger with each stride down the aisle. Can we even spot a skirt? Or, is she clad in shorts? Could someone kindly point out to her that her choice of footwear isn’t in harmony with the overall theme?

Umbrella Bride

There’s a common saying about rain on one’s wedding day being a sign of luck. Could it be a symbol of good fortune? Or perhaps she preferred to guarantee herself a spot at the celebration and packed her own tent-like veil. Regardless, this bride-to-be is well-equipped with an umbrella-like veil that appears to grow from an upturned flower pot she’s using as a headpiece. In spite of the massively oversized veil, the rest of the dress could hold its own in terms of style potential. Although, it could be considered slightly snug since it clings to her frame from head to toe.

Something Blue

The proverb states, “Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.” However, this bride has taken the “something blue” notion to extraordinary lengths. Perhaps someone should remind her that typically, a bride incorporates a touch of blue within a hidden accessory such as a garter band. The color is traditionally not meant to engulf the entire dress and veil. Ignoring the over-sized southern belle-style skirt styled in a hue other than the customary white, and her apparently beekeeper-inspired blue veil, the dress wouldn’t be too terrible. We can only wish that it’s not the groom who ends up overwhelmed with blues when he catches sight of her progressing down the aisle.

Casting Shadows of Doubt

If one believes in ill omens, then this bride has certainly encountered one. Her dress could be likened to the Grim Reaper’s welcome even before the opportunity to recite her vows arises. It’s not unusual for brides to experience some nervousness ahead of their wedding. However, this bride appears to be casting a large shadow of uncertainty, or a black cloud, or introducing an aura of melancholy on her otherwise joyful wedding day. The gown she wears is far from pristine white. She is enveloped in a lengthy black veil that seems to be tangling her progress as she tries to advance.

A Bit Tipsy

This is likely the best illustration of why wedding speeches are typically held post-ceremony. It seems like the bride may have indulged in a bit too much celebratory champagne. Her gown, while appearing light and floaty, might be causing her to feel slightly wobbly. Alternatively, she may simply be caught up in the euphoria of her special wedding day. The seemingly endless feather-like boa and stream of white adds to the illusion. And is that her bouquet draped around her waist? Despite the perceived weightlessness of her wedding gown, the groom seems to require some assistance to keep her upright.

Party Decoration Dress

It appears that someone was overly enthusiastic with the wedding reception decorations and transformed her dress into a giant celebratory accessory. This dress resembles a fusion of a paper flower party decor and a paper lantern. Perhaps she was aiming for a combination of both or possibly she gained a bit of weight prior to the wedding and desired to camouflage her expanding waistline. Regardless, there’s no doubt about the modesty of this gown. It’s as though someone unzipped the garment bag and the dress sprang out, ready to be worn. The headpiece even has a similar pop-up paper flower decoration theme.

Hoop Skirt Bride

The bride is already taking the lead in the reception’s scheduled poolside party activities. This bride indisputably rules the hula hoop competition. Generally, a hoop under a dress is used to maintain the fullness of the skirt, not just around the waist. This hula-hoop-shaped middle section could be a way to keep her skirt lifted to prevent tripping. Alternatively, she may be concealing the flower girl under her dress. Whatever the idea behind the design of this dress was, it certainly isn’t doing any favors for any body type. The oversized top, which seems too large for the bride, is not making anything better.

A Bit Mousy

It’s about time to veto this bridal gown. Perhaps the person who might don this gown, adorned with white mice, should think about separating their online affairs from their personal life. The dress escorts the bride into the digital era, with a plethora of white computer mice attached to the upper half. The unusual design choice might get lost in interpretation since these adornments can be mistaken for a collection of large white soap bars or oversized breath mints. The designer tries to compensate for this by elevating the front of the hemline. Unfortunately, this modification does little to divert the gaze from the striking assembly of white computer mice on the top.

It’s A Ruff Life

Perhaps she is aiming to coordinate her dress with the neck of her groom’s tuxedo, or there could be other hidden contexts regarding her chosen attire. This bride seems to be perched on a ruff, a white ruffle collar commonly adorned during the Renaissance. Is she emulating a fold-out wedding bell made of paper, or just went overboard in attempting napkin folding art? Regardless of the explanation, she’ll find no need to hire an accordion player for her celebration. The several pleats of her dress could mimic the instrument perfectly. Worst comes to worst, she can keep handing out fabric napkins to her attendees throughout the evening.

Long Train Coming

Before you make any hasty judgements, contemplate the numerous advantages that a train of this length can offer for a wedding dress. Perhaps the bride wants to extend her special occasion as long as possible given that it would take days to walk down the aisle with this lengthy train. Alternatively, she might have included everyone in the wedding party, with each guest getting a chance to support a section of her train. Don’t overlook the feasible uses of this dress either as with all of the guests encircling it, the lavish fabric could double up as a table for serving meals.

Fairy Godmother Guffaw

Do you recall the scene in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty where the fairy godmothers attempted to fashion a dress for the protagonist? This appears to be the possible outcome of that endeavor. Initially, why is the bridal attire pink? It could be conceivable if it’s for a subsequent marriage. However, why does the bottom part of the form-fitting suit begin at her knees? A more pertinent query might be, why does it appear as if she’s been encased in thick white bands? The oversized hat and the bulk of the dress likely served as disguises for the many imperfections.

It’s No Snow Job

Would you like to create a snowman? Or perhaps a snow bride? The bride appears as if she’s been newly arranged into three sparking snowballs, adorned with white flowers. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this isn’t just a grand hoax tricking us into believing they’re genuinely wedded. The mystery here is, “where are her arms?” Plus, will she need to be maneuvered down the aisle? The groom has even geared up with white boots, ready for any kind of weather. However, what’s that object in his hand, and couldn’t he have made an effort to dress a bit more formally than just a slightly unzipped white jumpsuit?

Life-Sized Bridal Cake

While this might be the outlier among distasteful dresses, it’d be a challenge to find someone who wouldn’t confess that a full-sized bride replica wedding cake is somewhat eerie, despite its striking resemblance. However, there are a few differences in the cake-version that might lead you to question if the bride unintentionally found a look-alike bride with a comparable dress, which by coincidence, was crafted into cake form for her wedding. Moreover, who would genuinely want to slice and eat that? Let’s face it.

Furry Veil

Could this be imitation fur or a return to Elvira? It seems like she’s trying to embody the essence of a snow queen. Perhaps she’s surrounded by a group of white cats, adding to her ensemble. Whatever the reason, the fur seems oddly mismatched with the almost invisible see-through veil and dress that it’s meant to compliment. The white bouquet offers a bit of balance, but along with the manicure, they shouldn’t be the main focus of a wedding dress. If the theory about the cats is true, we can only hope they stay in place and refrain from disturbing guests mid-ceremony.

Parachute Bride

Discussing risk-taking, this bride appears courageous enough to take the monumental plunge of matrimony. Funnily enough, skydiving may prove easier than ensuring her overflowing wedding dress doesn’t encroach upon the seated crowd of astonished attendees. And if she does decide to take the metaphorical big leap out of an airplane, do not fret! The voluminous nature of her attire could provide ample buoyancy to keep her floating for an extended period. On a second thought, perhaps she’s already in the higher echelons of bliss – Cloud 9. Her gown just gives the impression that she has actually brought the cloud along with her.

Choose One – Poof Or Pearls

This dress is anything but subtle, which is quite typical of the era’s tendency towards excess. Even the bouquet is rather large in this instance. While the embellishments align with the styles of the 1980s or 90s, the bride in question ought to make a decision. She should opt for either the strikingly flamboyant headpiece that resembles bird feathers, or the dangling pearls that appear more like a chin strap. However, seeking to combine both elements could hinder her overall appeal. Additionally, it’s hard to overlook those bows residing on top of the shoulders.

Spread Your Feathers

The concept likely originated from a desire to incorporate a splash of color into the traditionally white, simple wedding dress. The introduction of small flowers of purple, blue, and yellow seemed to escalate into transforming the entire ensemble to resemble a peacock. Isn’t it the male peacock, however, that fans out his feathers to impress and attract the female bird? In this scenario, the bride’s bouquet consists of an assortment of plumes, creating a massive feather display as she strides down the aisle, mimicking a peacock displaying its plumage for its partner.

Bridal Bouquet

This bride doesn’t need a floral arrangement. She herself is the flower arrangement. Perhaps she has started to blend into the crimson aisle that was supposed to guide her to her future husband. Regardless of her intentions with this total showcase of ruby roses, she had the style consciousness and self-respect to incorporate a touch of white to highlight the overall appearance. After all, it’s her big day, and there’s a certain charm about a bride donned in white, even if it’s only a fur shawl draped over her shoulders.
